


Energetic HeAlInG Methods

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systemic BodyTHERAPy




COUPLES Bodytherapy





or 82319 STARNBERG

CONTACT via +49 151 418 419 40

Unique SOMAJA Method

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Christina developed the unique Therapy Method SOMAJA in 2007.

SOMAJA is the union between the meaning of the word

SOMA = CELL/BODY and works with the epigenetic cell memory and

JA/YES = embracing the physical & spirituell as an embodied BEING.

SOMAJA means to touch the SOUL through the BODY and

creating a balance between Body, Spirit & Soul.

Three levels united:

- Systemic Therapy, uncovering Epigenetic Cellmemory.

- Holistic Bodywork, the way to open the way to Heal and Transform.

- Energetic Healing Methods, to integrate and liberate all levels of BEING.

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Energetic Healing


In awareness, meditate, surrender, listen through the body,

creates a state of bliss, lightness and trust.

The body is the temple

of your soul.

Activate your body to feel and accept emotions in a relaxed manner.

The energy is allowed to flow through your body unhindered; it wants to move through you.

Free yourself and let go of belief patterns, imprints, feelings that no longer serve you and that you have inherited from your family system. Find presence, courage & acceptance.

Opening the body means creating space and mobility on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level to be connected with yourself and with others or to the bigger picture.

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What to expext in a SOMAJA Bodytherapy Session

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At the beginning we clarify the purpose of the meeting.

We look at your family system.

We focus on your intention.

Follow the intention of your heart's desire in life.

Is it about


Where do you want to grow, change something, complete something?

The body work aims to release physical, energetic, emotional and mental blockages and restore the natural balance in the body. Through specific and conscious touch, movements and techniques, tension is released and the energy flows again.

The body reflects what is going on inside us and can therefore serve as a gateway to our inner experience. Depending on the client's concerns and needs, the body work is individually adapted and can include various methods such as massage, breathwork, energy work, visualizations or relaxation techniques. The aim is to activate the body's self-healing powers and to use the unconscious level to induce a holistic transformation.

The focus or alignment, conscious perception and embodiment of the change process supports the strengthening of one's own abilities (empowerment) and consciousness. SOMAJA enables a profound and sustainable transformation that leads to lightness, joy, strength, acceptance and love in life.

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through the BODY

Content of SOMAJA Method

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SOMAJA BODYTHERAPY contains the following elements:

Systemic therapy -

Work with the family system, taking epigenetics

and body types into account

Energy healing work -

all levels are clarified, cleaned and discharged

Myofascia Energy Release & Deep Tissue Massage & De-amoring -

Trauma Informed, Blockages and Armor are released / relieved

Embodied Meditation -

Support on holistic conscious and unconscious levels

for the integration of inner child parts and shadow sides

Transformative body work -

Experiencing the new body feeling and awareness of the actual original state of your being

BODY – HEART – SOUL Alignment

Statue of the cat Goddess Bast, culture of Egypt, historical Egypt.
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Get on your way to ...

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How can I support you in this

to achieve your intentions and

to align your life with your essence?

My systemic body therapy approach, which has been developed for 18 years, is based on a holistic approach and individual support and unique method.

I offer a protected space in which you can open up,

develop and grow.

My methods and skills are diverse and adjusted to your personal needs.

I look forward to accompanying you on your path to more JOY, LOVE, EASE and LIGHTNESS and working with you on your development of personal soul based potential.

SOMAJA Session

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Energy balanc

per 60 minutes

The duration of a session varies between 1 -2 hours

A series of 5-6 sessions within 1/2 year shows the best possible anchoring of SOMAJA body therapy

Energy balancing

per 60 minutes

The duration of a session varies between 1.5 -2 hours

A series of 5-6 sessions within 1/2 year shows the best possible anchoring of the change

In couples sessions, the energetic and physical levels are also taken into account.

Energy balancing

for 60 minutes

100 € single

140 € couples

Duration of a session

1 Hour

A series of 5-6 sessions within 1/2 year shows the best possible anchoring and integration

ONLINE includes energetic & body-related orientation.






After decades of working as a therapist and workshop leader, I have extensive, diverse and intensive experience in the area of holistic healing.

Over the course of this time, I have learned, experienced and developed a wide range of methods. My empathetic and grounded nature makes it possible to quickly build trust and create a safe space.

My therapeutic approach aims to overcome difficulties by experiencing your own insights, gain self-competence, and strengthen self-empowerment in order to lead a self-determined and independent life and to become the best version of yourself.


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What clients say after the SOMAJA experience

Quotation Mark

I find working with the body so fundamental and it's a real shortcut.

For example, working on beliefs was much more effective than what was previously known.

By including feelings you could go much faster and deeper.

Overall, I found the mix of topics impressive; I was open to everything.

Susanne, 47

Quotation Mark

I am fascinated by the holistic approach. I learned a lot of new things about the human energy systems and connections between the psyche and body.

I felt their interaction firsthand.

The lightness and joy I felt afterwards still lasts.

Karin, 22

Quotation Mark

True, deep, healing life energy has revealed itself in me! Christina has this presence, the skills and the experience to lead you out of your deepest, most hidden prisons.

Matthias, 33


18 years of experience as a therapist in holistic healing approach

I support you with my SOMAJA systemic bodytherapy METHOD

with issues or blockages in the area of physicality, relationships, partnerships,

love, sexuality, awareness and growth.

Through my own journey I know that we want to understand

why this or that happens in our lives.

Life has often pushed me to limits,

separation, living in other countries,

always allowing new contacts, letting go of old ones.

The waves of my life have often been intense and

have brought me into contact with the full spectrum of feelings,

boundaries and beliefs.

Who or what am I, are we?

What should I do? What do I really want? Where do I want to go?

I help you to recognize what is in the here and now,

to feel and accept what is and to prepare yourself

for new things & new beginnings.

This allows you to invite joy, peace and love into your life.

I would be happy to support you on your journey.


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Master of Soziology

Systemic Individual, Couples & Family Therapy

Sexuality Coaching & Healing

Systemic Kinesiological Coach

Trauma Informed Bodywork

Conscious Dance

Spiritual Healing

Healing Massages

MER Myofascial Energetic Release

7 years self-employed as Music Teacher for Parents in Germany

3 years as Therapist @ "Family Life" in Melbourne, Australia

Since 2008 independent Practice in Australia and Starnberg / Munich in Germany

Since 2008 Workshops in Munich, Amsterdam, Paderborn & Italy, Germany, Europe

Expierences & Teaching in Abroad, Netherlands, Australia & South Africa


I have a master's degree in sociology and am a trained as a systemic individual, couples, family and sexual therapist. My passion is the topics of body, relationships, partnerships, sexuality, spirituality, love and truth and their interactions. My inner drive is to be authentic and in true contact.

I support clients on their way to be real & have true intimacy with themself & others. I lead with an open heart, authenticity and compassion.

I offer individual and couple sessions in Starnberg, Munich and Paderborn, as well as international workshops, seminars and experimental evenings.

With heart-connected conversations, classic therapeutic methods, constellations, body work & Sacred Sexual Healing, meditation, I encourage clients on all levels of their life change and development of their potential.

I am an expert in the SOMAJA METHOD that I developed since 2008,

which aims to connect people with their body, soul and heart and to successfully help them to grow on all levels as BEINGS.

Your soul is connected to points in your body, together we sense these points.

I listen deeply to your needs as a body & soul and adjusts my work to your needs. Together, we bring light into the darkness, release blockages and heal trauma. Restoring balance and bring body, soul and spirit into new vibration.

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or 82319 STARNBERG

BOOKINGS under +49 151 418 419 40

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SOMAJA systematic Bodytherapy TRAINING



TO ...

4 blocks

4 days each

Spiritual growth with body work,

Embodied Spirituality & Energetic Healing

For centering in life

For clarity, alignment and

physical integration

For everyone who wants to bring body, heart and soul into harmony

For psychological, emotional, energetic and spiritual stability and lightness


for yourself,

for therapists,

for everyone

who works or wants to work with people

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References after the SOMAJA Training

Quotation Mark

I learned a lot of new things about human energy systems and learned more about our physical bodies. I felt their interaction firsthand and experienced that I can support others through physical work.

A new passion developed that has given me enormous joy ever since. The introduction to characterizations based on numerology, body types, etc. and systemic systems provided interesting impulses for self-exploration and assessment of others. Christina also taught us what is important when dealing with clients. My expectations were exceeded.

Michael, 45

Quotation Mark

Christina has a toolbox full of techniques, methods, ways of thinking, ways to strengthen awareness of a world that can bring peace, for the individual, for the community, for the world...

This training was like a year long training for me,

the content was ME,

it was about me, never before have I looked at myself so intensely and graciously. I discovered my love for myself.

Cora, 51

Quotation Mark

The Somaja training sharpened my awareness of where and how I block my life-force energy in the body and how I get myself flowing again. ...

The training helped me to be more consistent with myself, to do what was appropriate for me, to experience more strength and confidence and, overall, to achieve significantly greater satisfaction.

Verena, 45

Quotation Mark

As a physiotherapist, I thought I would take part in order to "learn a little something new" in the area of body work!

What actually happened to me was 1000 times more:

True, deep, healing life energy revealed itself in me!... Christina has this presence , the ability and the experience to lead you out of your deepest, most hidden prisons, if YOU want and allow it

Ute, 35

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Mental health
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Mental health


Pacing as a technique that allows focusing on the client's needs to build an effective and supportive space.

An inner alignment that refers to the therapist's attitude towards the client, which is characterized by empathy, respect, non-judgment and mindfulness.

Systemic therapy looks at belief systems, family systems and energy systems in order to understand connections and dynamics and enable positive changes.

Cleansing techniques are used to release negative energies and blockages on a physical, emotional and energetic level and to activate self-healing powers.

Illuminating and exploring emotions makes it possible to recognize and transform deeper feelings and needs.

Understanding and recognizing trauma helps to understand and heal stressful experiences and their effects on behavior and psychology.

The importance of sexuality is considered in therapy to promote a holistic and integrative view of physical and emotional health.

Gatekeepers are internal protective mechanisms or parts of the personality that control and regulate access to traumatic memories or unprocessed emotions. Working with gatekeepers can overcome these barriers and enable deep healing.

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The importance of grounding and how it can be used in SOMAJA work.

The art of touching and massaging to support relaxation in order to heal and to assist in the transformation process and deepening integration on a physical level. Understanding and working with the body's energy systems, particularly the chakras and aura.

Identification and treatment of alarm points in the body and, if necessary,

use of special techniques to de-armor the body and release emotional blockages to create liberation.

Various bodywork techniques such as Thai yoga, balancing and meridian yoga to promote energy flow and balance.

Basics of anatomy for a better understanding of the body and its functioning and interaction in relation to psychosomatic complaints as well as Interrelations.

Implementation of a body scan to identify blockages and the importance of illnesses in the holistic healing process.

The healing power of life-force and sexual energy and its integration into body therapy.

The differences and particularity of different body types and their individual needs.

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Integration and training of aspects of the spirit involves exploring and connecting to different levels of consciousness.

Meditation as practices to deepen spiritual connection and inner exploration and the ability to accompany clients during a session and to train them to empower themselves and strengthen their own resilience.

The power of dancing as embodied spirituality through expression and movement to improve one's own perception.

To train perception channels on all levels and expand the senses for holistic perception and intuition.

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Basics for understanding energy, energy centers and energy flow in the body.

Chakra and Aura work to identify, cleanse and balance the seven main energy centers. Identification and resolution of energetic blockages and stagnations.

Training your own perception skills, intuition and sensitivity: in dealing with energy.

Ethics and boundaries as important aspects when dealing with energetic work and protecting your own energy.

Practical exercises to apply and deepen the energy work techniques learned in practice.

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Copyright © 2024 Christina Pelzer